Mail Art is not an artistic style, neither a technique,
nor some precisely defined way of creation. The only thing that is common
to all Mail Artists of the world (their number goes to 10,000) is that
their art is realized through mail, that is to say that their communication
goes through PTT (Post Telegraph and Telephone) channels, which is still
the best way of linking people in the widest geographic plan. The essence
of Mail Art is an EXCHANGE and RELATIONSHIP between artists; COMMUNICATION
itself has become the main factor of the art work's poetics, replacing
its aesthetical and craft values. At the same time Mail Art gives to all
an opportunity to express themselves freely, with no limitation (except
to those physical limitations of the Post Office), meaning that mail Art
is a very democratic, liberal, and cosmopolitan direction in art. Several
vanguard artistic movements in this century are considered to be the sources
of today's Mail Art. Marcel Duchamp worked with postcards as early as 1916,
and postcards were printed by the Italian Futurists. The members of Nouveau
Realisme and Fluxus were mailing unusual objects and publications. Also
the Japanese Gutai group, which started international artistic communication
through the mail in the 50s has to be mentioned. But the American Ray Johnson
is also considered as a pioneer of Mail Art for founding the New York Correspondence
School of Art in 1962. But in all these appearances, we don't recognize
the phenomenon of the Mail Art Network, which is the main characteristic
of today's Mail Art movement. The Network consists of all these thousands
of mail artists all over the world with their visual, verbal, and sound
messages permanently circulating around the planet Earth. That Network,
which is essentially a spiritual product, is a unique spiritual sculpture
surrounding the Earth, a collective achievement of Mail Artists.
I think that this way of artistic behavior is the
best answer to the well known problems of man's alienation and of the political,
racial and social divisions of the world, which are all surmounted through
Mail Art. It has already penetrated to all the continents, being the foundation
for a new, planetary culture.
It was already said that in Mail Art there exists
a maximum of freedom regarding the genres, types, or techniques of expression.
According to this, Mail Art is familiar to all kinds of motives and styles
in visual arts, with the difference that messages are visually and semantically
accentuated. They are more obvious and aggressive than in the classical
visual arts. That's because the mail artist is working with the aim of
getting a reply to his mail, and he is going to get it only if his work
is attractive enough to induce someone's reaction (which is not obliged
in Mail Art at all). This is easy to understand if one knows that an average
Mail Artist receives sometimes ten works daily from all over the world,
but physically he can reply to only a few of them in one day. That means
that he has to do a selection; to choose only the works with the greatest
charge of creative energy in them. That principle brings into the Network
the law of natural selection, according to which only the most creative
persons stay in the network, and the others are being eliminated by excluding
The Mail Art Network is expanding every day, thanks
to many international exhibitions, magazines, catalogs, video and audio
cassettes that are spread around through the PTT system. Besides, many
articles, studies, and books have been written on the Mail Art phenomenon
and some well known museums have purchased some Mail Art archives and art
works. But Mail Art is still a non-profit activity and that golden principle
keeps it strong, pure and honest.
In their activities mail artists use all existing
means of expression in the fields of image, sound, and text. Lately the
computer is more and more in use, also telephone, and even satellites.
Everybody is doing according to his needs and possibilities. And that makes
Networking colorful and attractive.
In regard to the future of Mail Art, of course it is very hard to foresee.
But if we take in consideration the latest tendencies, including the personal
contacts and meetings of mail artists (tourism, congress), their joint
actions and collaborative performances in late 80s, then Mail Art can be
seen as one more step in the development of the future mental and spiritual
art, based on the coordination of minds.
Isn't this also announced by the recent invitation to
artists to join the Art Strike 1990-1993, that means not to make, exhibit
or sell art works? Isn't that a tendency of going towards the essential
creativity, based on undisturbed and direct exchange of the spiritual energy,
that Mail Art anticipated? So back to life and to spirituality is maybe
the answer to the questions of the future of Mail Art.
Andrej Tisma
December 1989